Saturday, 30 April 2011

Research vids

Some research vids for the little clip before, and hopefully the future ones to come.

Moon Sucks Balls

I saw him.

I'm not keen on the lack of facial controls, so i'm using my own rig (i know!! scary!!)
It's the Queen from the monty python pitch, hence why this blog is locked to other people :O

This first vid was just the lips, then facial keys, tilting of the head and the brows (which brought so much life to the animation).

I struggeld with keying one of the controls (it was rather fugly and wouldn't key effectively as IK) so i edited the rig, and exported the animation out to fit with the new rig. awesome little plug-in called AnimExport.

This is much better now, and im wondering whether to move on and key in the rest of the dialogue, or tweak this. I think it's good enough, and quite simple. There are only about 14 components animated here (including all the blends).

Friday, 29 April 2011

The Full Shabang

It's going well, just blocking out the lip sync.
I think, more to please both sides of this character animation fence, i'll make the lip sync a trax clip, so it doesn't distract, then animate my key poses.

Not even sure if this should be my final sound clip, it seems a little hard to get great..we'll see.

Lying to women is bad..mmkay!

Tuesday, 26 April 2011


First proper lip-sync attempt.

Research for Lip sync


First trial:

Blogger's Buggered.

Blogger decided to let me hit the 'upload video button'.
Shame the bastards didn't let me upload anything.

But i have been working!!!
I haves!!