Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Ze Final Upload iz here.

Final output, using the rEnDeR fARm.
Was quite good actually, saved lots of crunching at home.

Monday, 13 June 2011


I've been much more looking at animation much more objectively, wondering if they really are animated 'correctly', and i've had a little look at Eric's site, and his animation tests and found that some are quite static. I think, as well as making me a better animator, it's made me appreciate and realise what good animation looks like. I think i'll revisit some of the classic pixar/dreamworks movies, and study the animation.
I guess if I can find what's wrong with them, then i can apply that to my own animations.
I've also been looking at past and present 11 Second Club entries, writing down what i thought was wrong with the animations, then watching the critique, as a sort of test, to see if i can see the same issues. Or if I'm way off target, and need to focus on something else.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

more tweaks..

This time taking much of what Mike had told me on board, i tweaked lots of the key positions, 'pushing the pose' to get a more dynamic flow and aggression from Brian.
I also had to favour many core keys, and gave the shoulders much more life. (though would have loved to translate the shoulders, but i missed that control in rigging.)
This is brian lip syncing only:

And this is a playblast with the tweaks.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011